All systems are operational
Maintenance Notification of Network West Java Region : Saturday, 19th October 2024

Pemeliharaan akan dilakukan dengan detail sebagai berikut:
Tanggal:  Sabtu, 19 Oktober 2024
Waktu: 00:05 WIB - 01:30 WIB
Durasi Pemeliharaan : 1 Jam 25 menit
Durasi Gangguan: 5 - 10 Menit
Dampak Gangguan:
Pada layanan Neo lite dan Neo Lite Pro akan mengalami dampak berikut:

Tidak bisa akses layanan Neo Lite 5-10 menit selama maintenance berlangsung
Tidak bisa akses console Neo Lite
Tombol operasional tidak bisa digunakan sementara seperti stop/start/restart VM
Tidak bisa Create dan Delete Neo Lite
Pada layanan Neo Object Storage akan mengalami dampak berikut:

Tidak bisa akses layanan NOS Region WJV 5-10 menit selama maintenance berlangsung
Tidak bisa Create dan Delete NOS Region WJV
Tidak bisa Create dan Delete Bukcet NOS Region WJV
Detail: Pemeliharaan Perangkat Jaringan Pada Layanan Biznet Gio Region West Java
Selama proses pemeliharaan berlangsung layanan NEO Object Storage, NEO Lite & NEO Lite Pro yang terdapat pada region West java akan mengalami downtime dan tidak dapat melakukan operasional seperti create,delete & restart layanan.


Maintenance will be performed with the following details: Date: Saturday, 19 October 2024
Time: 00:05 AM - 01:30 AM
Maintenance Duration: 1 hour 25 minutes
Disturbance Duration: 5 - 10 minutes
Disruption Impact:
Neo lite and Neo Lite Pro services will experience the following impacts:

Unable to access the Neo Lite service for 5-10 minutes during maintenance
Unable to access the Neo Lite console
Operational buttons cannot be used temporarily such as stop/start/restart VMs
Can't create and delete Neo Lite
The Neo Object Storage service will experience the following impacts

Cannot access the NOS Region WJV service 5-10 minutes during maintenance
Cannot create and delete NOS Region WJV
Cannot Create and Delete NOS Region WJV Bukcet
Details: Network Device Maintenance on Biznet Gio Service West Java Region
During the maintenance process, NEO Object Storage, NEO Lite & NEO Lite Pro services in the West Java region will experience downtime and will not be able to be used. will experience downtime and unable to perform operations such as create, delete & restart services.

Maintenance Notification of Neo Lite West Java Region : Saturday, 26 October 2024

Pemeliharaan akan dilakukan dengan detail sebagai berikut:
Tanggal:  Sabtu, 26 Oktober 2024
Waktu: 00:05 – 01:05 WIB
Durasi Pemeliharaan : 1 Jam
Durasi Gangguan: 5 - 10 Menit
Dampak Gangguan: Ganguan Komunikasi Internet
Detail: Pemeliharaan Perangkat Jaringan Pada Layanan NEO Lite Region West Java
Selama proses pemeliharaan berlangsung, Internet Neo Lite Region West Java akan downtime 5-10 menit


Maintenance will be performed with the following details:
Date:  Saturday, 26 October 2024
Time:  00:05 AM – 01:05 AM  (UTC+7)
Maintenance Duration: 1 Hour
Duration of Interruption:  5 - 10 Minutes
Disruption Impact:  Link Internet Down
Details: Network Device Maintenance on NEO Lite Service West Java Region
During the maintenance process, Internet Neo Lite West Java Region will have 5-10 minutes of downtime.

Past Incidents

5th June 2024

No incidents reported

4th June 2024

No incidents reported

3rd June 2024

No incidents reported

2nd June 2024

No incidents reported

1st June 2024

No incidents reported

31st May 2024

No incidents reported

30th May 2024

International Upstream International Upstream Network Problem

[30/05/2024 - 17:00 WIB] We have a problem with our international upstream network. This issue was affected by the submarine cut in the US cable. Upstream currently working on it. NO ETA at the moment.

  • This issue has been solved.

  • NEO Web Hosting NEO Web Hosting | Problem

    [30/05/2024 - 12:33 WIB] We are having issues with web host 9 NEO Web Hosting, This issue resulted in the customer's email and website being inaccessible. Our Enginer Team is currently investigating the issue.

  • [30/05/2024 - 13:10WIB] This issue has been solved and the customer can check the service again. Currently, our engineering team still monitoring the problem.