Pemeliharaan akan dilakukan dengan detail sebagai berikut:
Tanggal: Jumat, 7 Februari 2025.
Waktu: 00:05 WIB - 05:00 WIB (UTC+7).
Durasi Pemeliharaan : 4 Jam 55 Menit.
Durasi Gangguan: 2 - 5 Menit.
Dampak Gangguan: Degradasi Performa Jaringan selama 2-5 menit.
Detail: Upgrade Versi Perangkat Jaringan Pada Layanan Biznet Gio Region Jakarta.
Selama proses pemeliharaan berlangsung layanan GIO Private, NEO Virtual Compute, NEO Block Storage dan Neo Object Storage yang terdapat pada Region Jakarta akan terdapat degradasi performa jaringan selama 2-5 menit..
Maintenance will be performed with the following details:
Date: Firday, 7 February 2025.
Time: 00:05 AM - 05:00 AM (UTC+7).
Maintenance Duration: 4 Hours 55 Minutes
Service Disruption Duration: 2 - 5 Minutes
Impact of Disruption: Network performance degradation for 2–5 minutes.
Details: Upgrade Network Component Version for Biznet Gio Service in Jakarta Region.
During the maintenance process, GIO Private, NEO Virtual Compute, NEO Block Storage, and Neo Object Storage services in the Jakarta Region will experience network performance degradation for 2–5 minutes.