Pemeliharaan akan dilakukan dengan detail sebagai berikut:
Tanggal:Kamis, 13 Maret 2025
Waktu: 00:05 WIB - 02:30 WIB
Durasi Pemeliharaan : 2 Jam 25 Menit
Durasi Henti: 1 - 2 Menit.
Dampak Gangguan: Downtime Komunikasi Internet selama 1 - 2 menit.
Detail: Pemeliharaan Portal Operasional GIO Public 2 Region West Java.
Selama proses pemeliharaan berlangsung, layanan NEO Lite Pro dan NEO Virtual Compute yang terdapat pada Region West Java akan terdapat downtime komunikasi internet selama 1 - 2 menit.
Maintenance will be performed with the following details:
Date: Thursday, 13th March 2025
Time: 00:05 AM - 02:30 AM (UTC+7).
Maintenance Duration: 2 Hours 25 Minutes.
Duration of Interruption:1 - 2 Minutes.
Disruption Impact: Internet communication downtime for 1 - 2 minutes.
Details: Operational Portal Maintenance on GIO Public Service 2 Region West Java.
During the maintenance process, NEO Lite Pro and NEO Virtual Compute services in the West Java Region will have internet communication downtime for 1 - 2 minutes.