[05/12/2022 - 21:35 WIB] Currently, there is network maintenance in the Jakarta region, and our engineering team needs more time to do this maintenance.
[06/12/2022 - 00:58 WIB] NEO Cloud region Jakarta-2 maintenance process has been canceled today because there is a problems with the network gateway device and we will continue maintenance next year to maintain the SLA.
West-Java-1NEO Elastic Storage WJV-2 Problem
[05/12/2022 - 12:26 WIB] There is a problem at NEO Elastic storage component WJV 2 region. Our engineer team still working on it. [05/12/2022 - 13:08 WIB] This issue has been solved. Currently our engineer team still monitoring the problem.
[05/12/2022 - 07:38 WIB] There is a problem at NEO CLOUD storage component WJV 2 region. Our engineer team still working on it. [05/12/2022 - 10:01 WIB] Currently it is still being investigated further by our Technical Team and parallels are being followed up to the Principal Team. [05/12/2022 - 11:27 WIB] This issue has been solved. Currently our engineer team still investigating and monitoring the problem.